Making money online can be that easy if and only if you know how to do so, these days, people prefer online jobs to offline jobs; they prefer to make money using their smart phones or laptops. Do you know that you can make money online on whatsapp? Some years back, whatsapp clocked 1billion ACTIVE users and they are still counting.
Now I will be showing you how to make money on whatsapp for free in 2019, whatsapp messenger is beyond chatting, video calls, voice calls and so on. By following the instructions below, you are on your way to making huge profit from whatsapp and kbhwriting
Please note; we have pledged that every making money tips we post on this blog has been tested and trusted, we don’t post fake sites that doesn’t pay, at some time, we will be showing payment proofs shield our evidence.
Recently, whatsapp introduced whatsapp status which enables people to post their desired pictures, videos and texts. But a lot of people do this for fun regardless of the fact that you can make a huge amount of money from whatsapp.
This is how it works…abtechblog
Definitely, you should have groups on your whatsapp, if you don’t have any group, there is another way out, now you are about to create your own whatsapp TV where people can subscribe to and view your updates via status.
First, write and enticing yet simple and concise post describing what your TV is all about, don’t worry I will give a typical example below.
Whatsapp can never be boring when you are part of profvalue TV fam.
profvalue gives you series of ; hilarious story time, relationship talks, funny memes, savages, adverts and many more. To join our TV, kindly send us a private message and yopu will be added.
This is just a typical example of what you should write, it mustn’t be exactly like this, and you can add some sweet talks. After that, forward this message to all your groups and you will see that people will begin to show interest in your TV, simply inform them to save your number as your TV name by then you must have saved theirs too.
If you can get at least 500 whatsapp user who has saved your TV name on their phone book, you are good to go, but you might be thing that getting up to 500 whatsapp user numbers that are actually active is hard, you can buy thousands of whatsapp number here depending on your country. When you purchased the numbers, simply send bulk messages to them informing them about your TV, please don’t make it look like spam unless you get banned.
Another way to get users is to tell your friends to forward it to their respective groups, by this way you will get more users. You could also check new method of making money online legitimately.
Now after you have gotten enough whatsapp users that are active, the next thing you need to do in order to make money on whatsapp is to start posting memes, something related to what you described earlier, you will see that at some time, a lot will message you to post adverts on your whatsapp status.
This is a very good way to make money on whatsapp. Probably you charge $20 per advert and you get up to three users advertising on your status, you know how much you will get per month? This method to make money online is completely, you just need to buy an active whatsapp numbers.
Another method to make money on whatsapp is advertising your own products, you can import your own products and advertise them on whatsapp status, you never can tell, your buyers can be part of your whatsapp phonebooks.
In summary, in as much we use whatsapp everyday, there are means to make money on whatsapp, one of them which I mention was to start a whatsapp TV. By inviting users to subscribe to your whatsapp TV and giving them updates based on their interest, and informing them that you have advertising space, by that way a lot will love to post adverts on your whatsapp status.
Definitely, this is a useful post, do well to share it.
1 comment
Nice post sir..
Great idea